Save upto 5000 Dirhams per annum just by driving smartly!

Jun 29, 2020 | Tips | 0 comments

driving smartly

Save upto 5000 Dirhams per annum just by driving smartly!

The Covid 19 pandemic is affecting our income, many have suffered job losses and those who are still working have had a reduction in their salaries. At such a time, any savings we make can provide huge relief. Here are few ways which will help you save upto 5000 Dirhams in a year by just driving smartly.

How to save on fuel costs?

Don’t speed: Driving at steady speed helps in reducing fuel usage. Don’t accelerate too much.

Don’t switch on the AC all the time during pleasant weather: The AC makes your car a gas guzzler. Keep the windows a crack open for air circulation. On highways, its better to keep windows closed to make the vehicle more aerodynamic.

Buy petrol early in the morning or later in the day when it is cooler. This way you get more fuel.

Don’t brake too much or too hard – Braking excessively wastes gas and causes your brake pads to wear out quickly. Maintain a safe distance between yourself and the car in front of you when you’re in heavy traffic. If the car in front brakes, you have enough time and will not have to slam on the brakes at the last minute, you’ll improve the efficiency of your car and save gas

Travel light – Empty your car trunk and remove any carriers or bicycle holders, etc when not using them. This will reduce the load on the engine thereby saving fuel.

Turn off the engine when waiting for someone to come or at signals whenever possible.

Check your tyre pressure regularly, as under inflation leads to higher fuel consumption

Service your car regularly

By following all the above, a driver can save upto AED 1800 in a year in fuel costs.

Driving steady speeds will ensure you do not break any traffic rules. This will reduce your fines drastically or may even eliminate it completely. This means a savings of upto AED 1800 or even more if you spend more on fines.
Driving without violations helps make our society safe and also helps you take advantages of great initiative of our government to help reduce fines and penalties.
Keep your tyres in good condition. Shopping around to check prices and buying good quality tyres will help you save another AED400/- per annum

Insurance: By driving safely, you can ensure no claims take place and you can enjoy no claims bonus every year. Along with discounts insurance companies offer, this can save you upto AED 500 per annum

Engine life – By driving safely and sensibly you increase the engine life and your car lasts you longer. This will help you save around AED 500 per annum

All this sums up to upto 5000 Dirhams in savings every year.

Hope the above tips will prove useful and help you save on unnecessary car costs during hard times.

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