car care

Summertime Car Care Tips Everyone Should Know

Summertime Car Care Tips Everyone Should Know

The temperatures here in the UAE are climbing and summer’s just round the corner. We all dread the ridiculously high temperatures here in the UAE. Every year we plan our holidays so that we can at least spend part of the summer outside the country. But like last year, due to limited travel amidst...

How often should you go in for oil change for your vehicle?

How often should you go in for oil change for your vehicle?

How often should you go in for oil change for your vehicle? There is not one correct answer to this question. The thumb rule here is to follow the car manufacturer’s manual. In UAE this is set at 10000km. However, we feel that this interval is applicable during normal circumstances. The following...

Getting Your Vehicle Ready For Summer

Getting Your Vehicle Ready For Summer

Summer's officially here and who doesn't dread the ridiculously high temperatures here in the UAE. Every year we plan our holidays so that we can at least spend part of the summer outside the country. But with international flights coming to an almost halt due to Covid -19, most of us are going to...

Top 10 Mistakes Car Owners Make

Top 10 Mistakes Car Owners Make

Are you a car owner but do not know the basics of maintaining a car? You are going to find this article useful because today we want to share with you the top ten mistakes car owners make. You do not have to be an expert mechanic but it goes a long way to be aware of these mistakes so you can...