How often should you go in for oil change for your vehicle?

Jul 13, 2020 | car care | 0 comments

How often should you go in for oil change for your vehicle? There is not one correct answer to this question. The thumb rule here is to follow the car manufacturer’s manual. In UAE this is set at 10000km. However, we feel that this interval is applicable during normal circumstances.

The following factors may play a role in deciding if you need to go for the service earlier:

  • Weather conditions – e.g. extremely high temperatures, humidity etc
  • Driving on roads in dusty conditions
  • Quality and type of oil (fully synthetic oils are good for 10,000km)
  • Condition of the car’s air filtration system
  • Frequent short trips (less than 20 km)
  • Stop and go driving in city traffic
  • Driving long distances at steady speeds on highways in extremely hot weather

So, we suggest that you stick to the manufacturer’s recommendation and ensure that servicing is done by qualified mechanics only. Also, do change the engine filter annually or when restriction is visible. If you feel that one or many of the above factors apply to you, do go in for an early service to ensure engine life is not reduced.

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